On the Playlist 7/MAR/2019...

Been a while since I posted. Haven't been listening to as much music recently. Was walking around Great Park during my daughter's tennis lesson and had my new digital audio player on. I had a random playlist on and an Adele album came on. Not even sure which one but that lady has a voice and can sing (I just checked and it was 25). I enjoyed it a lot and noticed that her songs were upbeat and not depressing compared to what I was listening to on my walk on Monday. I'll get into that in a minute on my post for 4/MAR/19 coming after this one. Sorry, for the mess up on sequence. Anyway, enjoyed listening to that album a lot. I was reminded what the hype was about her.


On the Playlist 8MAR2019…


On the Playlist 4/MAR/2019...