On the Playlist 24APR2019…

Geino Yamashirogumi collective is a relatively unknown Japanese musical collective and I am pretty sure that when I mention them no one has heard of them but when I mention the album that is on the playlist today, I am going to venture that some of you have heard of it. I am listening to the soundtrack for the movie "Akira". I love the chanting style of music that was chosen for this soundtrack and went to the trouble of finding the musical recording of it. Getting back to Geino Yamashirogumi though they are very interesting and have been around for a long time. They are famous for faithfully recreating various styles of folk music and also for integrating with electronic music - perfect for the Akira soundtrack. I remember becoming fascinated with this movie in VHS format when I saw it in a deep dark corner of the rental place and thought that it might be an interesting movie. The movie is set in a dystpoian 2019 and is a classic Japanese cyberpunk manga story. I think it is one of the greatest science-fiction movies ever and the sound track is a big part of that. In fact, I think I may need to watch it again. If you haven't seen it watch it and enjoy the soundtrack.

Geino Yamashirogumi - Akira Soundtrack

Geino Yamashirogumi - Akira Soundtrack


On the Playlist 31MAY2019…


On the Playlist 23APR2019…