On the Playlist 27MAR2019…

Debut album of The Police - "Outlandis d'Amour" playing today. This was actually precipitated by a video of a street musician band doing a cover of the song Roxanne that got me thinking about this album. In particular the song Roxanne which is one of my most favorite and also hated songs by The Police. Let me explain as there is a story about this song and my feelings about it. When I went to university I went to a 3 day weekend orientation "camp" the summer before I started. I went to the university in my hometown of Edmonton and lived at home. This camp was in the on campus residences over a long weekend. The idea was to get students used to campus life. It was run by more senior students who showed us all around the campus and explained what student life was about. It was a very wild weekend as they introduced us to the wild side of student/campus life as well. Some disclosure here needed. In Alberta at that time the drinking age was 18 so most first year students at university were legal to drink. So, on campus there were student bars etc. and at parties drinking was part of the life. I had skipped a grade in my earlier grade school education so I was only just 17 at the time. This didn't stop me though as id'ing was pretty lax. I actually went through most of my first year at university underage. Back to my story. On my floor at this weekend camp we had a senior leader who definitely knew how to party and we had a good time. He was also totally enamored with the song Roxanne and played it repeatedly and quite loudly in our area of the residence. He especially liked to sing along with it at a rather early hour of the morning. So I recall getting woken up very early to the sound of our leader singing Roxanne each morning of the camp. It is a good song don't get me wrong but I still kind of also hate it as well for that reason.

The Police - Outlandis d'Amour

The Police - Outlandis d'Amour


On the Playlist 28MAR2019…


On the Playlist 26MAR2019…