On the Playlist 4OCT2018…

Listened to "Letting the Blue Note Settle" by Francois Houle and my favorite track from this album Rubber Time. I studies with Francois Houle when I was in Graduate School. He is a brilliant clarinetist who came up through classical training and then discovered jazz and improvisational music. As something to keep me focussed when I was in graduate school I picked up my clarinet playing again after stopping in high school. Francois was great because not only was he consumate in his technique he encourage me to explore and improvise on the instrument. I remember a session where all we did was play percussive rhythms using the keys of our clarinets for the whole hour. This class actually was the genesis of this tune Rubber Time that he released while I was his student. I still keep in touch with Francois and make a point of going to his gigs when I am in Vancouver. Last time I was there I even took the kids to a gig that was fully improvisational music with a violin, cello and clarinet. Despite it being quite out there the kids seemed to actually get it a bit. Anyway, you likely won't find this tune on spotify but if you ask me I am happy to share it.

Francois Houle - Letting the Blue Note Settle - "Rubber Time"

Francois Houle - Letting the Blue Note Settle - "Rubber Time"


On the Playlist 5OCT2018…


On the Playlist 3OCT2018…