Lorne Cheeseman Lorne Cheeseman

On the Playlist 17/MAR/21…

Children of Uganda - Tour of Light 2014

Getting back to doing these posts again. Not that I haven’t been listening to music but just not posting. Actually, truth be told I am listening to less music that I was a couple years ago. Today’s album is Tour of Light 2014 by Children of Uganda. Very interesting story of this album that had me reaching for the buy button in Bandcamp almost immediately. Children of Uganda is a charity organization that is concerned with serving the large numbers of orphans in Uganda as a result of the AIDS epidemic there. As part of their fundraising they put together a musical group composed of kids who had been helped by their program. There is also a similar album from 2012. The music is mostly vocal with simple African accompaniment which consists of drum, percussion, marimba, and banjos. The songs are a mix of African gospel and uplifting music. The live show includes traditional African dance as well. I am really enjoying listening to it as I love the sound of African harmonies which is something I grew up with.

When I was growing up in Zambia there was a movement within the country to promote native skills and self sufficiency as a result our school had to have the students participate in various relevant activities. We basically got to choose between gardening (hard work in the sun) or native dancing and music (led by my favorite teacher). I was the only non-Zambian kid who went it for the dancing and music. I actually performed with the school group and we got to do drumming during the singing of the national anthem every morning for assembly. When I was a kid, I had very blond hair and I stood out quite obviously as the only blond kid doing Zambian traditional dance and music. So I come by my love of African singing and rhythms quite honestly.

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